Unique Section Data for Each Workspace

Is it possible for BPM to create separate unique instances for every work space? I would prefer not to have the same data set for contacts, leads, cases, and accounts be shared across multiple work spaces and instead be unique for each group. 

Meaning that sales has their own unique set of contacts, and service has their own set of contacts, and etc without any overlap in data.


Is this possible within BPM?

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Dear Carl,

It all can be achieved with the help of the correct access rights creation.

First of all you will need to create separate roles if you don't have them yet (for example "Sales","Marketing" etc.). The process of roles creation is fully described in the academy article here.

After that you will need to add a lookup field on all pages using "Section wizard" and name it, for example, "Role". In this lookup you should specify roles that you've created for this task. The process of creation and filling of lookups with values is described in the academy article here.

Then you will have to make this field not visible on the page. And lets say you want to have the Supervisor user to be the only one user who can see that field. You'll need to create a business rule on each page with the help of "Business rule" tab in the "Section wizard" so to hide the field on the page and you can also read more about business rules creation in the academy article here.

After it is done you should start the main part of all of this - creation of several business processes. The first business process should re-write all existing rights for existing records. Let's say we want to change access rights for contacts and we want Marketing role to read contacts that have value of the created lookup set as "Marketing". What should be the structure of this business process? The start element should be "Simple". The next element should be "Change access rights" and we should specify "Contact" object there and add a filtering condition that will choose only those contacts that have the value of the created lookup set for "Marketing". After that in this element you should remove all access rights for all users and roles. Then you should add another change access rights process element with absolutely same conditions but this element should add access rights but only for the specific role "Marketing". And then should go the "Terminate" element.

What do we have as a result. When we start this business process, we will change access rights for all existing contacts with the created lookup value set as "Marketing" in the way that only marketing role system users will be able to see them. You should also create absolutely similar processes for other roles and sections. Also don't forget to add system users to the specified roles.

If you want access rights to be applied for new records for some specific section then you need to create the second business rule with the "Signal" start element which will trigger the business process when the record is added for the specific section and has a lookup value set as needed. After that there should be "Change access rights" element that will delete all existing access rights, but here you should add the condition so to find the Id of the record based on the Id of the "Signal" process element. Then you should add another "Change access rights" process element that will add access rights for this new record and then should go "Terminate" process element.

The last thing you should do is to restrict access to workplaces and sections for several roles due to your needs. If you don't want "marketing" role user be able to see "Service" workplace then you'll need to change workplace permissions in the "Workplace setup" in the system designer. You'll need to specify exact role for exact workplace so the user from specific role could see only his workplace.

As a conclusion at the end you will get the application in which users are able to see only their workplaces with their role set of data specified by the business process conditions. New records will get access rights specified by business processes. It is a huge work but this is the best way to achieve the target you need.



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