Understanding Connectors in Creatio


We currently utilize Web Services (Rest and SOAP Services) to integrate with other systems within Creatio. Now, we are exploring the capabilities of connectors in Creatio. Here are our queries:

  1. When should we use connectors in Creatio?
  2. How can we implement connectors in Creatio?
  3. Do we have any real-time demo links that you could share with us?

Thank you.

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Connectors in Creatio are essential for integrating with external systems, applications, or services, enabling smooth data exchange and automation.


Here you can find information on how to perform configurations: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/category/web-services


Here you can find various connectors that you can test: https://marketplace.creatio.com/

Thanks for the details @Kalymbet Anastasia.

Could you please explain the distinction between web services and Creatio connectors? Additionally, in what scenarios would you recommend using connectors in Creatio?




A web service is software reachable via a unique URL that enables interaction between applications. Its purpose is to integrate Creatio with external applications and systems.

In Creatio, connectors are used to integrate with various external systems and services. They allow different systems to be unified and automate data exchange processes between them. Here are the main reasons why connectors are needed in Creatio:

  1. Integration with External Systems: Connectors enable integration with CRM, ERP, marketing systems, email services, payment gateways, and other external systems. This facilitates real-time or scheduled data exchange between systems.
  2. Business Process Automation: Connectors help automate routine tasks such as data synchronization, updating customer information, order processing, and more. This reduces the likelihood of errors and increases operational efficiency.
  3. Improving Customer Service: Integration with various systems ensures more complete and up-to-date customer information, which helps provide higher-quality and more personalized service.
  4. Data Collection and Analysis: Connectors allow for data collection from various sources and consolidation in one place. This simplifies data analysis and informs business decision-making.
  5. Extending Functionality: By using connectors, you can expand the capabilities of Creatio by adding new functions and integrations without significant changes to the core system.
  6. Supporting Business Processes: Connectors enable configuring business processes that involve interaction with other systems, ensuring a seamless and coordinated workflow.

Overall, connectors are essential for the integration, automation, and optimization of business processes in Creatio.

Thank you!


@Andrii Kurta,


Thank you for the detailed explanation. 
Could you please provide documentation and videos related to connectors?

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