Unable to enable approvals in campaigns section from section wizard
07:18 Jul 27, 2021
I need to approvals for 'Campaign' section. When I checked 'enable approvals in section' from section wizard and saved, It is not getting saved and getting console error as shown in the attached screeenshot. How can I resolve this?
07:58 Jul 27, 2021
Dear Nagaraju,
Thank you for your question!
Would you please share the screenshot once more as we are not able to view it?
Thank you!
04:07 Jul 29, 2021
Dear Nagaraju,
Thank you for your patience!
We were able to see the screenshot.
Please let us know if you have tried to Update the Database Structure, Generate the Source code for All, and to recompile the system?
If this didn`t help, please contact us at support@creatio.com
Thank you!
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