Tricky lookup filter (Freedom UI)

How would I go about this?

I need to filter a lookup (aka dropdown).  There is a CustomerFX example here of filtering the Case form page Contact dropdown to only those contacts of the case's account (i.e., contact's account == case's account).

However I need to filter a dropdown to only show records that are listed in a column in a detail on the same form page (i.e., dropdown item account exists in a subquery of all the accounts listed in a detail on the same form page) .

Thanks in advance,

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Perform the ESQ call like (don't forget to add @creatio-devkit/common as a dependency):


const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Contact");
					const filters = new sdk.FilterGroup();
					let currentAccountId = await request.$context.Id;
					await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Account", currentAccountId);
					const result = await accountModel.load({
						attributes: ["Id", "Name"],
						parameters: [{
							type: sdk.ModelParameterType.Filter,
							value: filters

You will receive an array of objects as a result of this query execution. Filtration in


await filters.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Account", currentAccountId);


should be the same as in your detail.


After that you can parse the received object, get the list of IDs and use it in your dropdown filtration.

Oleg Drobina,

OK, thanks for the reply.

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