Set process parameter in script task
how would I go about setting the process parameters in the screenshot, for instance the code for CellPhoneNumber is CellPhoneNumber. I have tried
Set>("CellPhoneNumber", CellPhoneNumbers);
Set>("Collection.CellPhoneNumber", CellPhoneNumbers);
but for both I get the error that the process parameter does not exist
Hi Tyler,
If the process parameter is a string/text param, all you need to do is:
Set("ParamName", "The param value");
(I don't see a screenshot in your post so not sure if it's something other than a simple text param)
Ryan Farley,
Thank you for the response, I have now uploaded the screenshot
If it's a collection that does change things slightly with how you use it. The type of collection would matter (if a collection of records or collection of values etc).
To add a record into the collection it would look something like this, assuming the param is a collection of records - based on your screenshot and assuming you're adding a new item to the collection:
// create collection/list var list = new CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>(); // create item and add to collection/list var item = new CompositeObject(); item["CellPhoneNumber"] = "800-555-1212"; item["SomeOtherParamInCollection"] = "Some value, etc"; list.Add(item); // now set in param Set <CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>>("MyCollectionParamName", list);
See more here…
How to set it if my process parameter is a lookup value refering to contacts. I tried this Set<Guid>("SelectedAdjuster", Guid.parse("Lookup id"))
Youssef Seyam,
According to the business process trace where the lookup value was set manually
"Process parameters": [
"Parameter": "Test collection",
"Value": {
"Before execution": [
"Facility Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Contact": "c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4"
"After execution": [
"Facility Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Contact": "c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4"
where Contact was my lookup nested parameter in the collection, then we should use:
var item = new CompositeObject(); item["UsrContactLookup"] = "c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4";