Send email task never sent


Is there a way to have a business process keep running after a send email task even if the email is never sent?



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you can choose  [Ignore errors on sending] option in the send email process element to proceed with business process even if the email task fails.

Hello Tyler, 


As was mentioned in the previous comment, if the [Ignore errors on sending] checkbox is selected, the element is deemed complete as soon as the first sending attempt is made, regardless of its result. For example, if the email server returns a sending error, the element will still be successfully completed and activate its outgoing flows.


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 



Olga Avis,

Thank you for your responses. Will this work if the user decides to hit cancel? 

Hello Tyler Rainey,


If the user cancels the [Send email] process element manually, the business process execution stops on this element.


Best regards, 


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