I'm looking for an method that when triggered, all data is already loaded to the page.
I uses the "onEntityInitialized" and noticed that it is triggered before I have data so I can't do much with it.
Documentation suggest using the "init" or "render" methods but the only examples are not for a replacing client module.
I tried the "init" and "render" with "Hello World!" alert that never appeared.
My question is, is there a method that is triggered after the data is present and thus can be manipulated via JavaScript code ?
Everything works fine for me, you need to place your code after calling the base method
Post ypu code after this.callParent(arguments);
onEntityInitialized: function() { this.callParent(arguments); //you code },
You can also use the method initTabs, called after "onEntityInitialized" trigger
The onEntityInitialized method should work well as it is mentioned by Grigoriy. Looking at your message, maybe you want to use the onchange method instead?
Best regards,