Removing Business Process Notifications

Does anyone know how to remove a Business Process Notification. I have one where the process log has been cancelled and one where the process log does not even exist, but the notifications are still showing as needing to be actioned. Assuming some kind of DB update but not sure the correct table etc. Thanks

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In this case, you can delete values from the "SysProcessElementToDo" table using the lookup functionality. As an example, set up columns to view "Title" and "Created On" to compare the record.


I would like to warn you not to delete system values that may be needed for the system to work. Delete only the values you mentioned.

Is there any general customisability around the notifications system? Specifically for Freedom UI, but in general would be useful to know too - with alerts just showing a red dot on Freedom UI if there's even a single notification, having a few Business Process Tasks outstanding (as we expect in our business case) for a user prevents them seeing that any "Reminder" notifications have come in since they last looked at the panel. This could lead to them missing important notifications.

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