
Recieving emails inside section cases

Hello Comunity!

Is it possible to use a Signal Start Event, inside a sub-process(call-activity)?

I want this sub-process to be triggered when I recieve an incoming email.

Which is the right approach for this task ?

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Hello Petrika,

I am afraid no, it is impossible to use a Signal Start in sub-process, but you may use a Throw signal - "Wait for Signal" instead. The only difference is Throw Signal can only be triggered by "record modified" or "record deleted". In this case you will be forced to create an additional detail that will be modified (via a separate business process) so it may be tracked.

Though having that said, I would recommend you to use different business processes for each step. In most cases, there is no need to keep the business process running instead of creating several with corresponding Signal Start Events.

Best Regards,


Hello Petrika,

I am afraid no, it is impossible to use a Signal Start in sub-process, but you may use a Throw signal - "Wait for Signal" instead. The only difference is Throw Signal can only be triggered by "record modified" or "record deleted". In this case you will be forced to create an additional detail that will be modified (via a separate business process) so it may be tracked.

Though having that said, I would recommend you to use different business processes for each step. In most cases, there is no need to keep the business process running instead of creating several with corresponding Signal Start Events.

Best Regards,


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