Packaging a dashboard


Just wanted to ask, can we package a dashboard as well?

So say i create a new package and after setting it as current package if I create a dashboard, will that dashboard be in that package when I export the package?

If no, is there a way to package the dashboards?

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All customizations that are performed to the system are went to the package that is set as "Current package". So the dashboard created in the system where the current package is set as "Package 1" will go to "Package 1" and it will be also exported with the package. You can also read more about data binding to packages (with examples) in the Academy reference here.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan, So, do I still need to do the data binding to packages? or will the dashboards be already present in the package if I export it and import it to another instance?


The dashboard should be present in current package and when importing it - it should be present in new application. But to be 100 percents sure - please double-check data binding.

Best regards,


This does not seem to accurate - I changed my package and created a new dashboard for a section, but nothing was added to the package in the data bindings (where the dashboards live). I had to manually bind this data from SysDashboard in the environment it was created in.

Harvey Adcock,


That is correct, to transfer dashboards you need to bind dashboard data. 

All data of dashboards is stored in the SysDashboard (SysWidgetDashboard if the dashboard is not in the Analytics part of the section or Dashboards section). You can transfer this data using data bindings or on the DB level (merge for existing on the target instance and insert for non existing). 


Best regards,


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