Package install failed- Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted

Hi community!

We have moved our package from one environment with lowest creatio version (7.16) to environment with highest version (creatio atlas).

Some objects were not installed properly and we received error:

Error "Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.UsrGeneralViewFile.FKcCbW9f8n8IYIlNxWjlw0Vi1Gqc', or the object does not exist." occurred when updating schema structure. SQL script text: "EXEC [dbo].[sp_addextendedproperty] N'TS.ActionType', N'ForeignKey', N'SCHEMA', N'dbo', N'TABLE', N'UsrGeneralViewFile', N'CONSTRAINT', N'FKcCbW9f8n8IYIlNxWjlw0Vi1Gqc'"


Any suggestions how to resolve it? 



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Hello Yana, 


We strongly recommend to transfer packages between sites with the same build (products) and versions to avoid any errors. 

It's hard to identify the root cause of the issue with no access to the system. But based on the shared information, I may assume that the issue is related to the lookup column that has no "Do not control integrity" option enabled in its settings and the issue occurs as the database structure for the object cannot be successfully updated while installing the package. I'd suggest to check it and as well fully generate and compile the system, and also resolve possible generation / compilation errors. 

If the issue persists despite the provided recommendations, please contact support team via to proceed with investigation. 

Best regards,



You do need to look at server logs.

SQL.json + Packages.log

You'll see there not only most recent error but first error, for example

"ErrorMessage":"The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FKcCbW9f8n8IYIlNxWjlw0Vi1Gqc"

The conflict occurred in database \"...........\", table \"<lookup_table_name>\", column 'Id'."

and only next - 'dbo.UsrGeneralViewFile.FKcCbW9f8n8IYIlNxWjlw0Vi1Gqc', or the object does not exist."

most probably, you have records in the lookup column of the table UsrGeneralViewFile that do not exists in your lookup table

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