
Open popup window

Hello, I need to open popup window of Contacts when clicking button and send record ids to this window, which i selected in main window. How can i do it?


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Hello Tuktin,


Could you please specify what button do you mean that you would like to click in the Contact? And what do you mean exactly by "this window, which i selected in main window"? Perhaps you could share some screenshots with an explanation to us so we can understand better the business task.


Best regards,


Dariy Pavlyk,

Thanks for the answer. I need to open popup window like this window with Search filters and send ids from selected records in main grid

Tuktin Dastan,


Thank you for the clarification, but we would appreciate if you could provide a few more details.


It looks like you are trying to open the this window for the "Opportunities" page. But in the photo of the window it is shown that the search is done for "Users". I guess the final task is to search for "Contacts".


But also it's not clear where exactly the Ids of these contacts must be sent. Should they be stored in a detail of this "Opportunity"? Or you have some custom code that will do something else with them?


Could you please explain in detail where exactly those Ids should go and what is the purpose of that?


Best regards,


Dariy Pavlyk,

I am trying to open popup window from Leads page. Yes, i am trying to open Contacts page with Search filters, from Leads page i can multiselect records, so i need to send these selected record ids to this Contact popup window. When i click Ok in the popup, i need to call Update method in Leads table column Contactid, using these selected ids.

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