Open mini-page instead of full page in Account Lookup by clicking Add Button
Hi, everybody!
I work on Classic UI. I have a task: to realize opening mini-page instead of full page in Account Lookup by clicking Add Button.
I managed to do it in runtime mode.
To do this, it was necessary to make a change to the basic client module LookupPageViewModelGenerator.js, the needOpenMiniPage method.
But I couldn't override this basic module in the configuration and connect it to my page.
Code of my new LookupPageViewModelGenerator:
define("LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", ["LookupPageViewModelGenerator"], function(LookupPageViewModelGenerator) { Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", { extend: "Terrasoft.LookupPageViewModelGenerator", needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName) { this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd=true; // додано const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation"); const entityStructure = moduleUtils.getEntityStructureByName(entitySchemaName); const editPages = entityStructure.pages; const hasAddMiniPage = editPages[0].hasAddMiniPage; return notUseSilentCreation && this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd && !Ext.isEmpty(hasAddMiniPage); }, }); return Terrasoft.configuration.LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2; });
Code of my page where lookup is contained:
define("ELFinApplicationAccountPage", ["LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2"], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "FinApplication", attributes: {}, messages: {}, details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/ {}/**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/, methods: {}, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ { operation: "insert", name: "LVPartnerWhoRecommended", parentName: "AdditionalProfileInfoContainer", propertyName: "items", values: { layout: { column: 0, row: 6, colSpan: 24 } } }, ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
I wrote this code while I was reading this article: But maybe I made a mistake or didn`t take smth into account.
What do I have to do to make this work?
Thank you!
Try creating a full copy of this schema (not override) with the modified method needOpenMiniPage and connect this copy in the define of the needed schema.
Also, in newer versions, you can unlock a package for a hotfix, with it, you can modify a base schema directly.