Multi select with actions in freedom UI

Hello Team, 


Any way to select multiple records in a list Freedom UI and with that trigger a Business process or action?



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Unfortunately, it is impossible to set up an action "Select multiple records" in your custom section. But this task has already been assigned to our R&D team. 


We have registered your proposal and forwarded it to our R&D team for consideration in future releases.

Sergii Zhmurko,

If you could give the R&D team a nudge Sergii, we are still without this fundamental functionality almost a year later.

In Freedom UI we create an action, that processes all filtered records in the section. So, this is like workaround while R&D designs multiselect

Kind regards,


Gareth Osler,



Our R&D team has implemented this functionality in a new release of our application 8.1.

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