MS Word reports Macros just printing the macro

I am following the basic Macros trying to put the current date in a letter. 

MS Word reports | Creatio Academy


But it just keeps printing the Macro text. If I use word current date function it updates the date Automatically. I have tried creating a blank date filed.  What is the proper way?


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Hi Keith,

Make sure you're adding the macro to the column in the report setup, *not* just adding directly in the Word doc - Creatio macros are not like how you use the Current Date Word macro. See the screenshots in the bottom half of this article:…

Basically, you add the macro to a specific column and the macro uses the column value and returns something else in its place. Then, when you add the column to the Word doc, it has the macro already attached to it. 

It looks like you want a macro for the current date, you could use Id or whatever column to attach the macro to and then just not use the column value at all (but it still needs to be added to a column in the report setup)


Hi Keith,

Make sure you're adding the macro to the column in the report setup, *not* just adding directly in the Word doc - Creatio macros are not like how you use the Current Date Word macro. See the screenshots in the bottom half of this article:…

Basically, you add the macro to a specific column and the macro uses the column value and returns something else in its place. Then, when you add the column to the Word doc, it has the macro already attached to it. 

It looks like you want a macro for the current date, you could use Id or whatever column to attach the macro to and then just not use the column value at all (but it still needs to be added to a column in the report setup)


Thank you, I was so close.....

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