Making one field editable in the attachments detail

Hi there,


In the Attachments detail (screenshot attached), I need to make the Category lookup field editable so users can select values from a lookup (selecting the category of the attached document). The rest of the fields (e.g., Name, Created On, File Size) should remain read-only.


It seems that the default setting for all fields in the attachment detail is read-only. Is it possible to override this for the Category field while keeping the rest of the fields read-only? There seems to be no option in page designer to make the detail/specific fields read-only - could this be done using code?


Thanks in advance!


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Currently, it is impossible to edit any field in the attachment detail. Our R&D team knows about the issue and in the future, they plan to add this logic, but unfortunately, we cannot tell when it will be ready.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

Thanks for your response

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