Login error- 0x80070002

Hello I'm getting this below error while logging into the instance

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You would need to check the file ConnectionStrings.config and check the authorization type. If windows authentication is used the parameter Integrated Security=SSPI should be specified and Identity=ApplicationPoolIdentity or domain user data should be in the the application pool (https://prnt.sc/mmoea5). You can also use SQL server connection parameters in connection strings file and all needed recommendations are specified in the Academy article provided below.

Also please make sure all required windows components are installed (mostly seems that one of Windows features is not turned on). 

Here is an Academy article regarding on-site installation: 


So the key point here is that you need to check connection parameters to your database server and windows components, because this issue can occur if:

1) There are incorrect connection parameters specified in connection.string file

2) Not all required windows features are enabled

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks Oscar,enabling http activation fixed the problem 

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