
Localizing Menu Actions and Workplace Name



Im trying to localize the name of the workplace and the menu actions but I am unable to do so.


I tried localizing the object name "Segments" as follows:


Translation Section:


Object Schema:


But the Menu action stayed in English after changing the language to Arabic:



How can we perform localization on both: Workplace name (Advanced Settings) and Menu actions (Segments and Subtypes)?

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Login with the user whose culture is set to target, rename and save. This is the easiest way.

Kirill Krylov CPA,

I always do that. Most of the system is already in Arabic. But here my question was how to get to change the workplace and menu actions specifically

Mohammad Yahfoufi,


What is the version of Creatio you use?

Bohdan Zdor,


Im using version 7.12

Mohammad Yahfoufi,


As a possible solution we recommend you:


1. Generate source code for all items, update where it is needed, compile all items.

3. You go to Translation and wait for actualization.

4. Make changes to the key you need (be sure that you've chosen the right object)

5. Apply translations

6. Clear cache of your browser

If the solution still doesn't work for you, please feel free to create a request to with all the details.

Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,

All other labels are being translated.. So the issue is not in the defualt process. The issue is specifically for the workplace and menu action

Hello Mohammad,


If you need to translate the specific elements for the Workplace block, you can go to the System Designer, open the Translation section and look there for the "Data:SysWorkplace.Name" key. This key is related to the names of the items which users can see in the Workplace block.


After that, you will be able to open the needed key, add translation and save it. 


Best regards,


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