I need to add a field to LDAP server page. I tried replacing the "LDAP server setup page" doing this but it doesn't work.
"operation": "insert",
"name": "LDAPLbkSalesCodeAttribute",
"parentName": "UserAttributes_GridLayout",
"propertyName": "items",
"values": {
"layout": {
"column": 10,
"row": 4,
"colSpan": 8
"bindTo": "LDAPLbkSalesCodeAttribute",
"labelConfig": {
"visible": true,
"caption": {
"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LbkSalesCodeString"
Should I replace another page?
Thank you!
To simply add a field to a LDAP page you need to replace LDAPServerSettings and add this code:
attributes: { LDAPTestColumnAttribute: { dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT, type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN, value: "" }, }, ------ { "operation": "insert", "name": "LDAPTestColumnAttribute", "parentName": "UserAttributes_GridLayout", "propertyName": "items", "values": { "layout": { "column": 10, "row": 4, "colSpan": 8 }, "bindTo": "LDAPTestColumnAttribute", "labelConfig": { "visible": true, "caption": { "bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LDAPTestColumnAttribute" } } } }
However, it should be just a field without any logic backing it up.
Currently, we don't recommend trying to add a new field since this requires overriding almost all base logic connected to LDAP.
In the new version, we are planning to add this possibility, and your questions will help us speed up the implementation.
Thank you for helping us make the system better.