Hi !
I have created a web page in the salesforce that same page I would like to use as landing page in BPM'Online for Inbound Campaign can anyone provide the solution on that and I have also gone through academy, in same way I have done the code in salesforce with Javascript.
Dear Amol,
You need to implement call-to-action button on you website, clicking on which all needed parameters will be passed to bpm'online. You need to set up calling of a createLead function.
To set up the connection of the landing page to bpm‘online, copy the unique code generated in bpm‘online for your landing page and paste it into your website page code. The field mapping between the landing page and the lead page will be done through the HTML code you embedded in your landing page
You can find a set of articles which will be useful at the following link: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/marketing/7-9/landing-pages-sec…
Best regards,
Diana Adams
Thanx Diana for your reply, following is my landing page can you please figure out the errors.
<apex:page >
<apex:form onSubmit="createLead(); return false">
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://webtracking-v01.bpmonline.com/JS/track-cookies.js"></script>
<script src="https://webtracking-v01.bpmonline.com/JS/create-lead.js"></script>
* Replace the "css-selector" placeholders in the code below with the element selectors on your landing page.
* You can use #id or any other CSS selector that will define the input field explicitly.
* Example: "Email": "#MyEmailField".
* If you don't have a field from the list below placed on your landing, leave the placeholder or remove the line.
var config = {
fields: {
"Name": "#userName", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page
"Email": "#userEmail", // Visitor's email
"Zip": "#userZipCode", // Visitor's ZIP code
"Country": "#userCountry", // Country
landingId: "a36160f3-3c8b-4e57-9f3c-1ef906d47f7d",
serviceUrl: "https://0365174-sales-enterprise-marketing-service-enterprise-demo.bpmo…",
redirectUrl: ""
* The function below creates a lead from the submitted data.
* Bind this function call to the "onSubmit" event of the form or any other elements events.
* Example: <form class="mainForm" name="landingForm" onSubmit="createLead(); return false">
function createLead() {
<apex:PageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection >
Name : <apex:inputText id="userName"/>
Email : <apex:inputText id="userEmail"/>
Zip : <apex:inputText id="userZipCode"/>
Country : <apex:inputtext id="userCountry"/>
<apex:PageBlockSection >
<input type="submit" value=" Create Lead " />
Hi Amol,
Everything seems to be fine. Does the page show 'Hello'?
If it does - you can place a breakpoint on the row
and then step into the method and check the result of the request.
Please post the link to the landing page - I'll check the code.
Have you tried to debug the landing.createLeadFromLanding(config) method?
Hello Eugene,
thanx for your reply I have done the debugging and I have seen the below Error Message as
""Error executing onsubmit() method "createLead(); return false" for form j_id0:j_id1 : Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: j_id1""
Please use the following syntax
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://webtracking-v01.bpmonline.com/JS/track-cookies.js"></script>
<script src="https://webtracking-v01.bpmonline.com/JS/create-lead.js"></script>
var config = {
fields: {
"Name": "#userName", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page
"Email": "#userEmail", // Visitor's email
"Zip": "#userZipCode", // Visitor's ZIP code
"Country": "#userCountry", // Country
landingId: "a36160f3-3c8b-4e57-9f3c-1ef906d47f7d",
serviceUrl: "https://0365174-sales-enterprise-marketing-service-enterprise-demo.bpmo…",
redirectUrl: ""
function createLead() {
return false;
<apex:form onSubmit="createLead()">
<apex:PageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection >
Name : <apex:inputText id="userName"/>
Email : <apex:inputText id="userEmail"/>
Zip : <apex:inputText id="userZipCode"/>
Country : <apex:inputtext id="userCountry"/>
<apex:PageBlockSection >
<input type="submit" value=" Create Lead " />
Please check the articles below
Besides, please modify the <sctipt> tag according to the article below
Hello Eugene Thanx for your help.
But I am still facing the same error. Sorry to tell you as I think you have lot more knowledge than but there are following ways in salesforce we can get the Id of component which i have tried and facing same error
Name": "#{!$Component.pb.pbs.userName}", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page "Email": "#{!$Component.pb.pbs.userEmail}", // Visitor's email "Zip": "#{!$Component.pb.pbs.userZipCode}", // Visitor's ZIP code "Country": "#{!$Component.pb.pbs.userCountry}"
fields: {
"Name": "#userName", // Name of a visitor, submitting the page
"Email": "#userEmail", // Visitor's email
"Zip": "#userZipCode", // Visitor's ZIP code
"Country": "#userCountry", // Country
Can you please provide me help. If you have skype id plz share if u can so that i can share my screen with you so that we could have more clarification.
Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: j_id1
Please email to support@bpmonline.com with the request. I'm sure that the team will hold an online appointment with you and help you to resolve the issue.