IFrame Implementaion - Network Error

Hi All,

We have implemented IFrame in our creatio instance to connect with third-party applications. The process is executing successfully. But we get an issue in the network, we could see the call is made twice in the network always one gets failed and the other one we could get a successful response. 

But we have no idea why the other call is made.

Kindly help me with this !


Adharsh S

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Dear Adharsh,


All controls (including Terrasoft.IframeControl) inherit from the “Terrasoft.Component” class that is located in the “component.js” file. The “Terrasoft.Component” class is designed in such way that on “reRender” function it inserts html content of the control into DOM twice https://prnt.sc/tl2f68. The old “wrapEl” object is destroyed and replaced by the new one - https://prnt.sc/tl2tnu.


In order to fix this behavior, it is necessary to perform a very detailed analysis of how it can be done differently. Moreover, take into account the regression since this is the basic mechanism for all controls.


Please note that we notified the development team about your request.


Best regards,


Norton Lingard,


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