HTTP Failure Response

I have noticed when attempting to build source or compile in the "Advanced" aka Configuration Tool in 7.17, I get the following error.  The activity spinner continues to spin and the site is unavailable, much like it is continuing.  Just wondering if some timeout value needs to be altered to avoid this?

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You need to review the application logs to identify the exact error message that is received upon compiling the app. Also you need to make sure that there are no firewall restrictions for the service via the link above from your client that could prevent the client from getting the response from the server.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

No errors and no firewalls as I am local (on-premise).

Shane Judy,


this error means that there is a problem with sending\receiving requests to\from IIS-server. Maybe the connection to the internet was lost upon compilation or there is some proxy that reroutes requests or there was some modification on the network layer of the IIS-server when you started the compilation. Try to compile the app once again, it should be successful now.

Oscar Dylan,

Again, I am local to the server... no internet connection involved LAN->LAN... same segment, no proxy and no changes to IIS layer while this was occurring (off-hours here in US).  I am the only one on the network.


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