How to toggle search field on grid of cases

Hi Community,


By default the search field showing like below, I need to hide it on first load and once I click on icon the search field should appear



Any help will be highly appreciable.



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Hi Muhammad,

You would need to create a custom Grid controller for your section. First up, you can generate controller code just like it is described here, specifying pageType: Terrasoft.PageTypes.Grid and selecting your section name. Then you should add a dependency to your grid in the manifest. You can use InvoiceMobile package as an example: - grid, and manifest -

Then, in the Terrasoft.view.BaseGridPage.View there is an object that is responsible for filter panel. This object has a function to show and hide: So in your grid view you would be able to get the filterpanel and then use function to hide it:

let filterPanel = this.getFilterPanel();




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