I am going to set input's value to a text element when button is clicked? How can i do that?
define("ContactPageV2", [], function() { return { entitySchemaName: "Contact", attributes: {}, modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/, details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/, methods: { onPageClick: function() { var GreetingValue = this.get("SalutationType").value; var GreetingDisplayValue = this.get("SalutationType").displayValue; console.log(GreetingDisplayValue); }, getMyButtonEnabled: function(){ return true; } }, dataModels: /**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[ { "operation": "insert", "parentName": "ContactGeneralInfoBlock", "propertyName": "items", "name": "NewButton", "values": { itemType: Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON, caption: {bindTo: "Resources.Strings.NewButtonCaption"}, click: {bindTo: "onPageClick"}, enabled: {bindTo: "getMyButtonEnabled"}, "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE, "layout": { "column": 12, "row": 2, "colSpan": 8, "rowSpan": 1 } }, }, { "operation": "insert", "parentName": "ContactGeneralInfoBlock", "propertyName": "items", "name": "NewInput", "values": { itemType: Terrasoft.utils.inputBox, caption: {bindTo: "Resources.Strings.NewButtonCaption"}, click: {bindTo: "onPageClick"}, enabled: {bindTo: "getMyButtonEnabled"}, "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.BLUE, "layout": { "column": 6, "row": 3, "colSpan": 8, "rowSpan": 1 } }, } ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
Best reply
11:41 Feb 21, 2022
You can do it by using this.set("StringColumn", valueNeeded); in the click-handler function for your button.
Best regards,
11:41 Feb 21, 2022
You can do it by using this.set("StringColumn", valueNeeded); in the click-handler function for your button.
Best regards,
06:02 Feb 22, 2022
Oscar Dylan,
how can i get innertext or innerhtml of something?
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