How to passing a viewmodel value to other view model for making a validator
i want to pass a value of one of view model to another as a parameter for validator like this code below
"PDS_UsrPrice_5kkod23": {
"modelConfig": {
"path": "PDS.UsrPrice"
"validators": {
"MySuperValidator": {
"type": "usr.DGValidator",
"params": {
"minValue": 0,
"message": "#ResourceString(PriceCannotBeLess)#"
"MySecondValidator": {
"type": "usr.CommentValidator",
"params": {
"minValue": 5000,
"comment": "$PDS_UsrComment_tapvx6u",
"message": "#ResourceString(CommentNeeded)#"
"PDS_UsrComment_tapvx6u": {
"modelConfig": {
"path": "PDS.UsrComment"
it is possible?
also can we add the system setting in javascript code? if can how to do that?
Hello Ghifari,
Can you please expand a little bit more on the business logic you are trying to achieve? I do not think that i fully understand the intend here. Also, i do not think that passing a value from a validator (?) is possible to another validator, but it depends on what you want to do. Please explain a bit more and i will try to help you.
Hello Yevhenii Grytsiuk, Thanks for the response i already solve the problem, i decided using a handler than validator so i can access the value in the page using request like this request.$context.PDS_UsrPrice_5kkod23 and also i already found how to use systemsetting in code using this method "Terrasoft.SysSettings.cachedSettings".
overall my problem is solved and thank you very much for your response