
How to get UserConnection when writing Unit Test classes



I created a unit test class following the instructions here for a custom class I created in Creatio.


However, in order to test I need to pass the UserConnection to my class. How do I logon and get the UserConnection from Terrasoft.Configuration.Tests?


Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for the information. I will try this.

Hi, how can I mock filter behaviour in my tests? For Example, I have method: And simple test: esq always returns 2 value, so is it possible to change this and mock filtered result? Thank you in advance

Oleksii Ozerov, Try this
AddFilter to esq mock (

You can see how data is mocked in BaseMarketplaceTestFixture class

Oleksii Ozerov,


One of the options is to mock using the DBExecutor:

  1. 1) To set a system setting value in a test, add the system setting key and its value to the TestUserConnection.SettingsValues ​​property (class Dictionary<string, object>)
var appConnection = Substitute.For&lt;AppConnection&gt;();
var userConnection = new TestUserConnection(appConnection);
var dbExecutor = Substitute.For&lt;DBExecutor&gt;(userConnection);

2) Configuring UserConnection to work correctly without a database

userConnection.DBExecutor = dbExecutor;
userConnection.DBEngine = Substitute.For&lt;DBEngine&gt;();
userConnection.DBTypeConverter = new TestDBTypeConverter();

3) Prepare the results table structure by forming the list of result columns and result records

var testData = new TestData()
   .NewRow("CanManageAdministration", false)   
   .NewRow("CanManageData", true);
DataTable dataTable = testData.GetDataTableUseDataStructure();
// or testData.DataStructure;

Example: Mock the request to DB, which contains "SysAdminOperation" and parameter value = "CanManageAdministration"

dbExecutor.ExecuteReader(ArgExt.Contains("SysAdminOperation"), ArgExt.ContainsQueryParameterByValue("CanManageAdministration"))

P.S. It is recommended that the GetTestDataWithStructure method be used in the UnitTestUtilities class so as not to worry about manually forming the sampling structure. Example:

TestData testData = UnitTestUtilities.GetTestDataWithStructure(_testEntitySchemaManager, "Activity");
var customValues = new Dictionary&lt;string, object&gt; {
    {"Sender", email}
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