How to get contact schema columns in lookups


I am trying to input data of contact fields from other entity with some approval process involved.

so, I need to get contact schema columns as a lookup list and a field with the datatype of the selected column in opposite to get the data of the field.

Please help me achieve this functionality.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Nagaraju,

You can take all the columns from a specific table using the information_schema.columns view table by selecting it:

select * from information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME = 'contact'

Though, it's hard to have it as a lookup as it's a system view table.

But, as a workaround, you can create your custom view which will store columns with data_type, etc. from the Contact table.

You will be able to create a lookup based on your custom view table after.


Thank you.

Bohdan Zdor,

Thanks for reply Bohdan.


I have created View and trying to bind it for a lookup column. I am unable to do that.

Could you please help me with this?


Thanks in Advance



To successfully do it please make sure that the "Indexed" option is disabled for this lookup column (since the system cannot create an index that refers to a view table). This option can be found in the advanced settings of the column in the object settings:

Best regards,


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