How to change the OOTB "RUN PROCESS" label in Section List & Edit page?

Hi Team,

How to change the label of the process in the section list page and record edit page.

when a Business Process is added to the section wizard, a "Run Process" drop-down button is displayed in both the edit page and section list.


How to rename or change the label to a different or meaningful name pertaining to the section.?

Below are the reference screenshot where the change is required

#REQ 1: Section List page

#REQ 2:  Record Edit page




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hello Bhoobalan,

Both the edit page and the section have a localizable string called "ProsessButtonCaption" which you can change to change this caption. You need to change this in both the section and the edit page. 

If you're wanting to change this for all sections/pages, you would need to do a replacing schema for BasePageV2 and BaseDataView and modify the ProsessButtonCaption string there. However, to just change it for one section you can change it in the specific section and edit pages. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the information

Where is the diff{} for this element and what is its structure?

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

The element is named ProcessButton. For the page it is in BasePageV2 and the section it is in BaseDataView. You’ll find it in the diff there. 


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