How can i add filters or execute methods through the addRecord button?
is it possible to apply filters to the addRecord button? If so, how can i apply them and execute methods when pressing it.
This print shows the section page with the addRecord button "Novo".
Dear Pedro,
In order to apply filters to the “addRecord” button please do the following:
1. Create a replacing client schema module. Please find more information in the article by the link below:
2. Set “Parent object” property to “Base data view” value
3. Use the following code as an example:
define("BaseDataView", [], function(){
messages: {},
mixins: {},
methods: {
// new custom method
TestMethod: function(){
return true;
// overriding addRecord method
addRecord: function(typeColumnValue){
var schema = this.getEditPageSchemaName(typeColumnValue);
if(schema === "AccountPageV2"){
// use here your methods or filters
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ [] /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/
Please find more information about filters in the article by the links below:
4. In case, if it is need to apply a filter only for particular sections, please add a name of these sections to the following part of code:
if(schema === "Section name"){
// use here your methods or filters
Please note that it is possible to find the name of the particular section in the query string. For example, for Account section the name is “AccountSectionV2”. Please see the screenshot below:
Best regards,