How to apply Lookup condition-based business rules in a mobile application ?
09:18 Dec 03, 2020
Hello community,
How to apply Lookup condition-based business rules in a mobile application?
Suppose if we have a lookup column "Created by" on a Contacts section and we want to compare the Contacts section field "Functional Group" with a required value through the column "Created by" (say Created by.Functional Group = ).
We have tried to apply below code to achieve above requirement but it didn't work for us.
Can anyone help me with this!
Many Thanks,
Sarthak Jain
14:38 Dec 10, 2020
Hello Sarthak,
You need to use Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Visibility rule type in the module. Please see this article and create a visibility rule due to the instruction and add it to model extensions for the model in the mobile application manifest.
Best regards,
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