Help to inject dynamic URL to generate QR Code

Hello friends and Community, 


I am working on PDF Generated QR Code, where I need to include QR Code  that include the Path of the PDF File, but it should be dynamic. for example, for each salary certificate letter, each letter should include the QR Code that shows the URL of that PDF file. 

keep in mind that we did PDF but couldn't able to place a public URL for it. 


Any clue,

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Hi Ahmad,

I assume that your PDFs are stored in Creatio - keep in mind that the user must be authorized to download them (should be logged into the Creatio application using valid credentials, have an active user session in the app). The system does not have a built-in option to generate QR codes, but this can be achieved in the development process. Then you can add your QR code as an .svg image to an email to send, which can be done in a business process.

If you want any user (not only authorized ones) to be able to download your PDF, you first need to send the PDF to a cloud-based storage service (for example, Google Drive) and then generate a QR code to link to this storage.

Hi Ahmad,

I assume that your PDFs are stored in Creatio - keep in mind that the user must be authorized to download them (should be logged into the Creatio application using valid credentials, have an active user session in the app). The system does not have a built-in option to generate QR codes, but this can be achieved in the development process. Then you can add your QR code as an .svg image to an email to send, which can be done in a business process.

If you want any user (not only authorized ones) to be able to download your PDF, you first need to send the PDF to a cloud-based storage service (for example, Google Drive) and then generate a QR code to link to this storage.

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