Hello Team,
When I create an address the GPSN and GPSE fields are not updated. THe map although shows the excat location as it should be. Any idea why this can happen ?
Hello, Sasori!
Could you please provide more details on how exactly did you add an account address?
Please note that GPS N and GPS E fields will populate only if you add an address manually.
For example, if you add value using import the fields won't be populated automatically.
Also, please try to reproduce the issue again but with an open browser console (press F12 to open it).
There might be errors that could help us find the cause of the issue.
Best regards,
Kate Karpik,
Thank your for the reply Kate.
The Account data and Account adress data are added in the system through integration with third party system via ODATA.
Should the problem exist in this scenario ?
Kate Karpik,
From what I can understand the update of the GPS fields is done only when clicking Save (front-end event) in the Account Address.
Is there any way or workaround to update these fields if the Account and its address are created via the OData4 Protocol ?