Getting errors while upgrading my local dev envionment

Hi Team,

I have local dev environment of creatio 8.0.4 installed in file system mode. I am trying to upgrade it to 8.0.10. I have my dev package named 'EqtCustomizationsV1' which has some .cs schemas involving event listeners and others.


During the upgrade, I am getting compilation errors for .cs files in my dev package, mostly duplicate type errors like

\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\EQTCustomizationsV1\Schemas\EqtContactLocationMacro\EqtContactLocationMacro.cs(13,18) error CS0101: The namespace 'Terrasoft.Configuration' already contains a definition for 'EqtContactLocationMacro'


This error was not there before upgrading. While I investigate the error I found same file is generated in the Autogenerated\Src  folder during upgrade.

The lower one is the original one. The upper one is generated during the upgrade. Is it happening because my application is in filesystem mode?  How can I resolve the issue.


Thanks in Advance.

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Could anyone please comment if you have any idea regarding this.


Make sure that the development mode in the files system is disabled before updating the application.

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