Get latest data in mobile app
Can you please let us know a way to get latest data for record in a mobile app view. We added custom action like this
Ext.define("Terrasoft.MyAction", {
extend: "Terrasoft.ActionBase",
config: {
useMask: false,
title: "MyActionTitle",
iconCls: Terrasoft.ActionIcons.Copy
execute: function(record) {
var UsrURLDocuSign = record.get("UsrURLDocuSign");, '_system')
var modelName = "Order";
// alert(UsrURLDocuSign + "---1kjbdsk ks1111--" );
But the problem is some time that url or data is not latest data, is there a way to load the latest data using something? I already tried getEntity but it does not seem to work.
Check what application mode you are using (system setting MobileApplicationMode). If it is set to Offline, the mobile app will only see the data before the last synchronization. If it is set to Online, then you should see all the recent data on the site.