Freeze leftmodulecontainer, action dashboard and pageheader

Hi all,


Can I freeze leftmodulecontainer, action dashboard and pageheader in record edit page?

Like the screenshot here:

Thanks and Best Regards,

Phuong Nguyen

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Dear Phuong, 


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to achieve this functionality using OOB  methods. 

You can do that adding css styles. 

Here is an example with leftmodulecontainer. 

To freeze container you can either override css class - profile-container or add styles for id - ProfileContainer:

position: fixed;

z-index: 999;


However, in this case container will be out of the grid and all elements will be moved. To avoid this strict sizes for it's parent's container needs to be determined. 

For css class it should be left-modules-container or id - LeftModulesContainer:


width: {value}

height: {value}


You can try to change the values there in order to find the best size for your needs. 


Also it should be mentioned that all of these changes can affect on the whole project. 

In order to avoid it a strict hierarchy has to be specified for DOM tree. 

For example: #ProductPageV2Container > subsidiary id or classes {...}

Kind regards,

Roman Brown

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