Feedback case

Hi community,

the feedback case page (021/0/Nui/Feedback.aspx?vm=FeedbackModule&token=138ce645-68ad-48ee-a24b-b7fa7ed2822d&schemaName=CaseRatingFeedbackPage) appears always in english, on my creatio instance.

There are the localization strings in the client schema "CaseRatingFeedbackPage"

What am I doing wrong?


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Hello Stefano,


The feedback page is using your web browser settings to choose the appropriate language.

For example, if the browser language is set to English - the feedback page will be in English, if the user uses Russian - the page will open up in Russian, and so on.


Thank you,


thank you Artem


How does the URL of the feedback page is generated, I'm referring to the root URL (

I have set a system setting "SiteURL" to "" but it takes in the smiley links.

But is configured using a proxy server for on-premise setup.

Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

hi Bhoobalan

check the PortalSiteUrl system settings value


Stefano Bassoli,

It's empty.

Does this PortalSiteUrl have to be populated as well, same as the "SiteURL" value?

Best regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

You have to compile both field with

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