Feed Notifications


Does any one know how to make bold "new feed notification"  or mark as Unread? 

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Could you please provide more details and/or screenshots of what you would like to achieve?


Best regards,

Hi Yuliya,


what Sergio is asking is to only mark feed notification as read when they are clicked (similar behaviour to monday and other applications). 

Otherwise every time a user opens the tab, all notifications are marked as read, independent of if the user has read it or not.

I also noticed that unlike the instructions (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/creatio-apps/creatio-basics/commun…) the notifications counter is not showing and the new notifictions do not appear as grey. Can this have something to do with the browser that is used?





Luis Tinoco Azevedo,




Unfortunately, so far, there is no possibility of marking notifications unread / marking them as read only after they are clicked. 
We have registered your suggestion on this topic, and our R&D team will consider implementing it in future releases.


As for the Academy article, there is an inaccuracy. The logic with the counter is currently applied only to the Classic UI shell. And the highlighting of the new notification has not been implemented so far.
We apologize for this inconsistency. We have already informed the Academy team about it, and they will correct the article. Also, a separate suggestion was registered for the R&D team on implementing the counter for Freedom UI and adding highlighting.


Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio community!


Best regards,


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