
Failed package upload.


So I am trying to import a package and I am running into this error.


System.Exception: Error occured while saving resources for schema 'UsrAccountStage' in 'CustomPhase3' package for 'en-US' culture ---> Terrasoft.Common.MismatchItemsCountException: There are more then one schema with name 'UsrAccountStage' and manager name 'EntitySchemaManager'

I get this error for a lot of schemas. I'm not sure how I would go about fixing this. I'm not sure what other information to include as well. Please let me know if you need any more information. 


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it looks like 'UsrAccountStage' already in your local.

Hello Tyler,

Romadan is right: you are trying to import UsrAccountStage schema in your CustomPhase3 package to the application where UsrAccountStage schema already exists so that's why installation fails. To resolve this installation error you need to remove UsrAccountStage schema from CustomPhase3 package, compile the system where the package was developed, get sure that there are no compilation errors, export package and import it to new system.

Best regards,


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