Email binding options: change order

Dear all,


When opening an email in the communications pane, the user can bind this mail to an object:

Is there a way to change the order of these options?

For example: first option is Invoice, second option is Lead, ...


Kind regards,


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Dear Vincent,

There are no basic tools to change the order of the option in this detail. We received similar requests from multiple customers and our R&D team will implement the functionality that will allow to modify the detail. As for now, you can change the order of the options by adjusting the code of the detail schema in the advanced configurations. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Hi Dean,

Thanks for the info.

I have been looking for this code, but could't find it. Do you have any idea in which file it can be found?

Kind regards,


Dear Vincent,

The detail schema that you need to modify is EntityConnectionLinksResourceUtilities. Note, that you will not be able to edit the base schema unless it is replaced with the custom one.

Best regards,


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