
Displaying an Image from a Link on a Record Page



I am having issues displaying an image from a link on the record page. I have followed the tutorial below, but have had no success.…


The issue seems to be that this tutorial is built to generate links for picture files saved/changed on the record page. Where I would like to do the opposite and display an image from a link that has already been generated elsewhere. The link is from PlantUML and here is an example.…


Is there any functionality to display images from image links generated outside of Creatio?

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Hi Dominic, 


You can do this with the following steps: 


1) Add an attribute to the page:

"MyImage": {
	dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
	type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
	value: ""

2) Then add an ImageView element to the diff bound to that attribute: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "MyPageImage",
	"values": {
		"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COMPONENT,
		"className": "Terrasoft.ImageView",
		"imageSrc": {
			"bindTo": "MyImage"
		"classes": {
			"wrapClass": [
	"parentName": "MyImageContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 0

3) Now, to show a image, all you have to do is set the image URL in the attribute:

this.set("MyImage", "https://someurl/dir/myimage.png");


Alright, I have found a temporary solution using the iFrame element. I basically followed the steps in this article here.…


I am still convinced there is a better solution than this. Let me know if there is a better built-in solution to displaying image links.

Hi Dominic, 


You can do this with the following steps: 


1) Add an attribute to the page:

"MyImage": {
	dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
	type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
	value: ""

2) Then add an ImageView element to the diff bound to that attribute: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "MyPageImage",
	"values": {
		"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COMPONENT,
		"className": "Terrasoft.ImageView",
		"imageSrc": {
			"bindTo": "MyImage"
		"classes": {
			"wrapClass": [
	"parentName": "MyImageContainer",
	"propertyName": "items",
	"index": 0

3) Now, to show a image, all you have to do is set the image URL in the attribute:

this.set("MyImage", "https://someurl/dir/myimage.png");


Hi Ryan Farley,

How can I set image input from the URL at the FreedomUI page?

Artem Ivzhenko,

The base component ImageInput has a column "value" in it you should be able to store the URL and the image will display.

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