Detail appears only after clicking Save, not before

Hello community!

I have created a new Section, which has a detail inside. When I click New, I dont want the detail to appear in the page. ONLY after clicking Save the detail should appear in the page.

Is this possible in Creatio? If so what are the possible customizations that I should do in the JS files.

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Best reply

Hello Petrika,


You can add the code below to the edit page of your section to hide a detail when a record is added (in my example the detail had the "Detail to test" caption):

getDetailInfo: function() {
				var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);
				if (this.isAddMode() && detailInfo.caption == "Detail to test"){
				return detailInfo;

Best regards,


Hello Petrika,


You can add the code below to the edit page of your section to hide a detail when a record is added (in my example the detail had the "Detail to test" caption):

getDetailInfo: function() {
				var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);
				if (this.isAddMode() && detailInfo.caption == "Detail to test"){
				return detailInfo;

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thanks for the great help Oscar!

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