Default emails to show on Portal

When investigating how to make emails default to showing on portal I came across the PortalMessage table and it contains HideOnPortal (bool) field, is this table used for Portal Emails? or is there another way to allow emails to be shown on portal by default if so can an example be given?


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Dear Michael,


As for now, portal users can see emails by default tied to the request, which are not automatic notifications (IsAutoSubmitted flag). Please find the code that checks it below:


bool isNeedShowEmail = Entity.GetTypedColumnValue <Guid> ("CaseId")! = Guid.Empty - tied to a case

                            && Entity.GetTypedColumnValue <DateTime> ("SendDate")! = Default (DateTime) - was sent

                             &&! Entity.GetTypedColumnValue <bool> ("IsAutoSubmitted") - not automatic notification

                             && Entity.UserConnection.GetIsFeatureEnabled ("ShowEmailOnPortalByCaseContact") – feature is enabled

                    && IsUniquePortalEmailMessage (Entity); - the message has not yet been displayed on the portal


Therefore, in order to make emails is visible on portal by default please do the following:

1. Make sure that the “IsAutoSubmitted” column from the “Activity” object has the “false” value.

2. Make sure that the “ShowEmailOnPortalByCaseContact” feature is enabled. Please find more information about features in the article by the link below:


Best regards,


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