DateTime comparison using Business Process

Hi All,

I have a use case to filter the records based on the DateTime filter condition.

This is the value of the above parameter for the filtered record.

You can see that, the above filter condition doesn't meet the values that are listed on the Pre-Configured page.

As a filter result its just compares the Date parameter alone and not the Time parameter.

How to compare the both Date and Time parameter using the Business process elements.

Any inputs on this will be much helpful.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Dear Adharsh,


Check if the user has a timezone specified in the timezone profile. This can impact filtration logic. Also on the 1st screenshot, all 4 columns are the same - which result is expected to be shown on screenshot 2? 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Yes, the user has a timezone specified in his timezone profile. The timezone mapped for the user is "GMT". Checked in Database the start and due time are correct shown above. The filtration happens in the same timezone, So the timezone might not affect the filter condition.

The explanation of the above filter conditions,

The use case is to check whether any Activity been created at the given Date time.

New Activity TimePeriod :

Start- 3/26/2021 8.00PM Due - 3/26/2021 9.00PM

Existing Activity TimePeriod :

Start- 3/26/2021 5.00PM  Due - 3/26/2021 7.00PM

So, The new Activity does not fall between the existing Activity.

Explanation of the filter condition :

As you can see, the condition 3 and 4 gets failed. All the conditions are in AND, as a result it should return false and no record should be filtered. But it doesn't do it.

Clarity needed : 1) Does the Business process element of DateTime comparison, whether it will compare the time or it will compare only with date.

2) Is there anyother way to validate this usecase.


Adharsh S




Thank you for the detailed explanation! Try enabling "consider time in the filter" parameter n element extended properties to fix this behavior.


Best regards,


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