Custom Parameters FIltering



I added my custom parameters, Client Category & Standard Destination in for each Product and I would like to filter by them. 



In the Opportunity page I have the "Product" field.


Does anybody know how I can filter the product based on the Custom Parameters that I have? I 


Thank you!

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Here are a few points that should be helpful:


1. The product catalog is not displayed in Opportunity. There is no logic yet that would automatically fill the Opportunity page from the product catalog according to the given parameters in the Opportunity. You would need to configure a business process, you can use the product selection functionality. For this, there is an action in the "Products" section or a pre-configured page that can be used in the business process.

2. If you still need to set up a filter on the product catalog section, see the example here:

3. In Sales there are the following details: "Parameter" on the "Opportunity details" tab, "Products" on the "Products" tab. These details work according to the contents of the "Customer needs" lookup. If the value of such needs is selected for Opportunity, for which the parameters are preset - they will be automatically added to this detail. If products are added there, they will be available for selection in the "Opportunity Product" detail. You can modify this lookup in the Leads section (it works the same way for leads), in the "Setup customer needs" action.

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