
Custom filter on Detail not working

Hi Team,

We have added a custom date filter to be present above the detail records on the edit page of the section. We referred to the below article.

However, still it is not working & we are facing a console error.



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A couple of main things to do to make the filter to appear:


1) Also create the "GetFixedFilterConfig" message in the detail schema:

messages: {
			"GetFixedFilterConfig": {
				mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE

2) Make sure your detail is also a section in the system. If not - create a section using a standard section wizard functionality.

3) In the code the last operation in the getFixedFilterConfig method should be not this.set("FixedFilterConfig...) but 


return fixedFilterConfig;


4) Don't forget to use this.set("IsDetailFilterVisible", true);


As a result the filter will appear near the detail:

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