Hi Team,
A business process was triggered on 01/11/2022 at 00:12, and there was a field which needs to get updated with Current date. But it got updated with the previous date i.e. 31/10/2022. Earlier it was working fine, just got the issue yesterday.
Please help
This could be possible if you run the business process under a user with a different time zone.
We get the current date with this line:
((DateTime)UserConnection.SystemValueManager.GetValue(UserConnection, "CurrentDateTime"))
public DateTime GetCurrentDateTime() {
return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(_dateTimeProvider.UtcNow, TimeZone);
TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(_dateTimeProvider.UtcNow, TimeZone);
In this, we get a value of UtcNow, and based on the value of TimeZone the method returns the date.
Thank you. Yes exactly, this was the issue.
Is there any workaround, we can use a specific time zone date for modifying a field everytime the process gets triggered.
As far as I know, currently, it would be impossible to change because this logic is located inside an application Core. The only possible solution right now is to change the time zone of the user.
I already created a corresponding problem for our R&D team so that you can change this logic inside the application itself. Thank you for helping us upgrade the system.