Creating new section from existing object
I am following the article listed here. My problem is I am getting the error
Message getCardInfo is not defined in SectionModul…(SectionModuleV2_UsrAccountAddressSection
I think I am running into this problem because it tells me to inherit "BaseSectionV2" but I do not see this as an option as a parent when making a section view model.
I only see "BaseSectionPage", so that is what I used.
Any help is appreciated.
It means that there is incorrect data either in SysModule or SysModuleEdit table. Also starting form the latest versions there is a possibility to create a section using section wizard:
This action will create a section without issues so please use this approach instead of the old procedure from the community post you've mentioned.
Best regards,
Oscar Dylan,
How woudl I handle this issue then?
Tyler, you need to remove all mentions on your object section from SysModule, SysModuleEdit and SysModuleEntities tables, relogin to the app and try creating a section from the section wizard.
Best regards,