create reminders on tasks allready created
Hi community,
I have user that has created tasks during one year, and only after one year remembered that wanted to generate reminders on those tasks on the date o execution of the taks. So a lot of tasks!!
I've updated via SQL the "remind owner" to true and "remind owner on" to the correct date and they have the correct values now but this seems not to be enough to activate the reminders.
What is the correct way to achieve this?
Hello, Luis!
Please be advised that in this case, we would recommend you to execute the following script but with your system values (Please note that the ID of a certain activity can be found in the activities page URL.)
You may find the SQL script below:
insert into Reminding (AuthorId,ContactId,RemindTime,Description,SubjectId,SourceId,SysEntitySchemaId,SubjectCaption,TypeCaption,IsRead,NotificationTypeId,PopupTitle,IsNeedToSend)
('410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00', (AuthorId) Change this value if the reminders should be shown NOT from Supervisor (but from a certain user the ID of which you should specify upon the Supervisor`s ID)
'410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00', (ContactId) Change this value if the reminders should be shown NOT TO Supervisor (but from a certain user the ID of which you should specify upon the Supervisor`s ID)
'2021-01-21 14:00:00.000' (RemindTime) This is the time the notification should trigger itself,
'test reminder', - (Description) This is the description, so you may fill it with any information you should be suitable with
'1d9365e3-07e1-4f9c-a3bc-eb8b07a895ca', (SubjectId) This ID has to be changed to that Activity`s ID which would receive the notification'
A76D08E1-2E2D-E011-AC0A-00155D043205', - do not change
'C449D832-A4CC-4B01-B9D5-8A12C42A9F89', -do not change
'test reminder', - (SubjectCaption) this parameter should be the same as the Activity Subject
'Task', - do not change
0, - do not change
'9EE66ABE-EC9D-4667-8995-29E8765DE2D5' - do not change
,'Task reminder'- (PopupTitle) this parameter should be the same as the Activity Subject
,0) - do not change
Please make sure to delete the <<>> signs, delete the bold text and aligning the script for a nicer view.
Your end script should look like this in the end:
insert into Reminding (AuthorId,ContactId,RemindTime,Description,SubjectId,SourceId,SysEntitySchemaId,SubjectCaption,TypeCaption,IsRead,NotificationTypeId,PopupTitle,IsNeedToSend) values ('410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00','410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00','2021-01-21 14:00:00.000','test reminder','1d9365e3-07e1-4f9c-a3bc-eb8b07a895ca','A76D08E1-2E2D-E011-AC0A-00155D043205','C449D832-A4CC-4B01-B9D5-8A12C42A9F89','test reminder','Task',0,'9EE66ABE-EC9D-4667-8995-29E8765DE2D5','Task reminder',0)
Hope this helps!
Please make sure to contact us again if you have any additional questions!
Hi Danyil,
thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I need to this for something like 2.000 records so I don't think this query would work, but reading you answer I did remember that in the begining of the porject there were a lot of activities that were imported with reminder set to true and were working.
I have tested exporting existing activities and re-importing with "remind owner" to true and "remind owner on" to the correct date and creatio updated not only the activities table but also the " Reminding" table that I did not know existed.
So I'll test it today with costumer but I believe it will work.