Copy Campaign from business process

Hi community,


is it possible to copy a campaign from a business process?

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I didn't quite understand your task.

You can duplicate the campaign by clicking the 'Copy' button.



If this is not the task you are trying to accomplish, please provide more details.


I would like to copy the campaign using a business process

That's realy interesting case. We also configure some 'Event' campaign for customer. And then for every webinar they should:

1. Create new Event

2. Copy campaign

3. Change campaign diagram, setting new Event for filtration

It would be nice to automate this part of work

I'm trying to duplicate the SysSchema record used for storing the campaign metadata.

Do you know how to calculate the checksum for SysSchema record?


If you copy the SysSchema via a business process, then such a copy of the company will not work at all.

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