Conversion rate in dashboard

Hi community,

To show conversion rate in dashboard we use sales pipeline. Is there a way to show conversion rate without sales pipeline. For example "To show conversion rate in leads between qualification to closed won". Is there a way to implement it. Also suggest best chart to do this.

Thanks in advance.



Manideep Korni

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Hello Korni,


As I understand your need - you want the same info that the pipeline contains, but to be displayed in a different way. In the pipeline, the general data is just being calculated in a specific way. What you can do is create a new dashboard with the same calculation mechanism. The sales pipeline is just a classical view of this kind of chart with pre-calculations done in the background.


Please check the article below to see the details of how the formula should be built:…


Best Regards,


Hi Manideep, 

I always like to show the conversion rate as a metric. It's not possible with OOTB tools, but you can use the marketplace app below. 


Here you can simply do the calculation of conversion rate (however that might be in your case), then display it. 

Note: Currently this will only work on classic UI pages without development.

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